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From modeling to 3D printing

ferrari foundry worker

WhatsApp Image 2019-02-18 at 16.17.30 (1
Modellino realizzato con stampante Sharebot Rover. Materiali utilizzati: Resina 

The work of the forger is a hard and demanding job and this is what this miniature wants to represent.

The strength, the hard work it takes to make metal objects through fusion and it is one of the oldest processing technologies.
The foundry is the part of the metallurgy that deals with the production processes that allow to obtain metal objects through the fusion and casting of metals of different shapes.

Forgiatore - visuale frontale
Forgiatore - visuale laterale
Forgiatore - visuale dall'alto
Forgiatore - visuale laterale
Forgiatore - visuale posteriore
Forgiatore - visuale posteriore
Forgiatore - visuale laterale

​Realization process

​Anything can be created from an image

WhatsApp Image 2019-02-15 at

​Starting from this simple image of a forger, after several detailed studies, we were able to extrapolate the three-dimensional miniature. So starting from a frontal two-dimensional image, every added detail was thanks to our imagination. All studied in every detail, from the proportional point of view.
Every detail has been perfected to make the most of the physical strength that a foundry worker must use. The veins of the muscles are clearly visible in the model, when in reality in the starting image the arms of the worker are even covered.
All the changes have been made to improve the visual quality and show the movements that the man's limbs perform in this operation of extreme subtlety and uniqueness.

WhatsApp Image 2019-02-18 at



​final exhibition

​Complete process

​Realization process

WhatsApp Image 2019-11-21 at 09.39.16 (1

Modello 3D frontale

Modello 3D laterale

Modello 3D visuale posteriore

Modello 3D laterale

​Realization process

Immagine di riferimento

Immagine dall'alto

Modello 3D frontale

Modello 3D laterale

Modello 3D laterale


Tel:   3342919604 



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